Time-Lapse Garden Sun Tracking

The goal of this project is to determine the amount of sunlight exposure of a target location during the course of the day using time-lapse photography. The desired output is an image where the lightness values represent the amount of sunlight which reaches that portion of the scene photographed. In the final image, a white (highlight or high value) area would represent sun exposure for the entire day whereas a black (shadow or low value) area would represent a location which received no sunlight. The grayscale gradient between the two limits represents the varying levels of sunlight exposure.

To create the final image representative of the sunlight exposure, multiple pictures must be taken from sunrise to sunset. The more time-lapse pictures taken during the day will result in a more accurate sunlight exposure model. The first image processing requirement is to adjust the levels so that shade is black, partial sun is a varying grays, and direct sun is white. Next all of the images from the scene must be combined together to form an image which represents the sun exposure for the entire day. Lastly, this image may require additional image processing to enhance the image to better convey the data.

This technique can be used by landscape designers and gardeners to help determine what plants and other features would be best suited for particular areas within the target garden. The primary use would be for adding plants or redesigning existing gardens, because these situations will have varying sunlight levels unlike a brand new landscape built from the ground up.

Project Requirements

Photography Equipment
- Digital Camera
- Intervalometer or Computer with Tethering
- AC Power Adapter for Camera

Image Processing
- Adjustment of Image Levels to Achieve Separation Between Sunlight Exposure Values
- Combining the Entire Time-Lapse Sequence Photographs into a Final Output Image

Time-Lapse Photography

Coming Soon!

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